i realize this cause these pictures are all the way back from april D:
so pictures gathering all the way from april till this month ended up in being a bit over a hundred
i was debating whether to split this post in half cause of the huge amount but id rather just put them all up at once ha ha ha
sorry im updating now. i know i said id update a couple days ago but i got home at 8 30 and had to cook and stuff so yeah.. never got around to do it till nows :D
so in my very long absence i missed my blogs 2nd birthday! (it was the 6th)
so i guess i can say in celebration of my blogs (late) birthday, i can make this post like the ones it started out with! real long with more than a hundred pictures lulz
so here we go~~
remember my mr. diary? look at what happened to him!! D;
grr the whole corner is messed up! i was so upset. i know its nothing but its just so annoying to look at lulz
oh so i cried one night and my eyes swelled up this bad the next day. if my eyes swell this big from just crying, how bad are they gonna swell when i get them sliced and diced?! ahaha
i found these webcam pics from back when i was still in school. it was fucking cold till like the middle of may. i was wearing my winter coat in frikkin may!!!
breaking out like mad and losing my eye creases to hidden ones after my eyes stopped being swollen;;; i only break out on my upper lip and my cheeks cause of my glasses now T___T so annoying
my creases would not come back so i spent my last weeks of school looking like crap. super chinky, no makeup, round faced, terribly dressed ahaha
LULZ you can totally see the "mmm" on my face. i survive off dunkin donuts the whole school year. its seriously all i eat XD
jessica and sandy and i went to try a cupcake place called sugar bliss after i finished school. the hos ended school 2 and 1 week before me!! :O
115 North Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL 60602-1907
Chicago, IL 60602-1907
sandys mini chocolate cupcake and my royal wedding cupcake
this place is bliss for people who like extra extra sweet stuff. the cupcakes were just pure sugar and the cake isnt moist at all. too sweet even for me! i had to give in and pay a $1.50 for a tiny bottle of milk -______-
had to take the train back home from practice with sandy
ooh that caption fits the width of picture perfectly! lulz!
went up to evanston because invited to an audition for a movie!! my first audition for something professional! not exactly a mainstream movie, but not exactly indie either. supposedly there are two very famous actors starring in it and the director (i forget his name) is a very well reknown director too! was dying of nerves!
weeping willowwwwww
creepy statue
my oh well~~ face. i look so sickly and grr my break outage!!
i didnt do the best at the audition. i always think of something good after i walk out. the auditions turned out to be the most laid back audition ever! it was actually really fun! i was just so at ease and i just had fun XD unfortunately i didnt get the part but that is the life of an actor. rejection rejection rejection lmao
it looks like a legit desert! well to me it does...
having fun with my camera with the technique my teacher used for that shoot a couple posts back
cool, no?
so after watching hollyannaerees review video on 1800flowers, i ordered from them for my mum
honestly i was dissapointed. the vase i picked was scratched. i know its a flower selling site but if i paid for a vase, i want a nice not scratched vase, ya know? and the flowers werent the freshest. i guess chicago doesnt have nice flowers?
last day of japanese which means we present our finals which are our skits ahaha
brad and keith did a japanese version of the teen sensation rebecca blacks friday. havent watched the deep, fun, awesome music video for a beautiful song? unfortunately she copyrighted it so the shits been taken off youtube. but heres the acoustic version she sang for good morning america: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CBzT2pv1Jc (embedding was disabled also)
so we had to take these questionare things for the teacher to see what the students thought about the class to improve it for the future. this is keiths
woo!! awesome polaroids!
later in the day it started storming and the sky was half blue and half orange!!
i thought it was so cool lulz
last day of school!!!!!!!!!! woot!
what i wore that day:
LULZ i am soooo awkward looking;;;; and my awful roots
oh! random circle lens review!!
neo dali extra green
color: 11/10 this is such a pretty olive green color and it goes so well with my red hair! they compliment each other and do a back and forth thing bringing each other out ha ha ha
design: 10/10 i like that its surrounded by a brown ring again. it looks...like..natural but not...ah i dont know how to say lulz. like, interesting i guess
enlargement: 10/10 14.2 diameter is huge on my tiny irises and eyes
comfort: 10/10 neo has to be my fave company cause they make the most comfortable lenses!
these are my all time favorite lenses along with the regular dali browns! <3
teacher ended class really early to give us some time to shoot so i walked around with my classmate, maria
the fountain that i see everyday when i look out the window
it was SO SUNNY AND HOT that day so we treated ourselves to ice cream
maria and i parted ways so i walked towards millenium park and i found this secluded park on the way
i was so mad that the young guy in the middle came in and sat down and ruined my shot!! grr
street chess!
went to practice/religion and wore:
more awkward stance;;
came home to meet this guy
yossi!! the doggy i doggy sitted what was supposed to be a weak turned into ten days
sooo cute! look at how he lays! ahaha!
he has an underbite so his bottom teeth show when he closes his mouth! ha ha ha
richardo called him an ewok -____-
cupcakes with eva and sandy and janet after school and then sushi with just sandy and janet cause eva went to go see iron and wine perform
we ate it at my house so i had sandy and janet walk yossi ahaha
lmao sandys back always looks really sad!! pwahahaha!!!
look at how long his tongue is! hes sooo energetic and loves people so much! hes so friendly! he especially liked richardo and sandy and this one house he always dragged me to when i took him for walks. but he was so depressed cause he missed his owners. i felt so bad leaving him at home alone when i had to go to school T___T i should have played with him more...
he drags you everywhere! ha ha ha ha
tired out <3
with sandys new piano black polaroid. self timer ftw!
LMAO LOOK AT HOW HE SLEEPS!! he is tooo funny! he snores and twists around in his sleep XD ahaha
random review! ahaha
warning: hideous pictures of me coming!
so i got these samples in the mail and i have no idea why but hey! free samples so why not!? so this company is for women who are older and still get acne and blemishes and stuff but i tried the primer anyways
totally bare faced. right after cleansing. break outs and dryness and dark circles and all
the lighting is a tiny bit different but still window lighting. but the redness of my breakouts are a lot better and the foundation did go on smoother. my skin just looks a lot better than before. i didnt really like the texture of this primer or the smell but it did do its job. this is also the first primer ive ever tried
yossis last day with me ;(
so i took a bunch of pictures with him!
lulz he would not look into the cam! but he knows how to pose! so i took out my real camera! he stays super still for you when he sees the camera and poses for you! ahaha!
playing with my sock. this was sooooo frikkin cute!! i fell over laughing everytime! and he really like my mums slippers so he would steal them! ahahaha!! he made me laugh so much in those ten days...
i cried a lot more than i thought i would when he left...
and then i took my mum and richardo out to red lobster lulz
has anyone else been seeing those crazy expensive commercials with rachel bilson for these ice cream bars??
so i found them while i was in walgreens and bought a box to try. this stuff is no joke! vanilla bean ice cream dipped in chocolate and then caramel and then back into chocolate again. and not just any chocolate, belgian chocolate. ahaha oh and it was like almost six bucks for 3 bars -____-
it was good but i think the regular ones will taste better where its only dipped in chocolate once ha ha ha. ill get it next time!
well, that is the end of my post. goodness ive been writing this for a hella long time. i started at like 10 or something and now its 3AM LULZ i should sleep now. practice tomorrow! i hope my comeback didnt completely disappoint you lovelies! hopefully i will have a better post next time
until thant time, stay healthy, happy, and always smile~!