well, you all know that so lets skip all the small talk and get on with the show~~
there really are more than 300 photos in this post T___T
four months of shiet man.. and i didnt even do much and i didnt take that many photos
i should blog a lot more often so i dont have to make these HUGE ones that kill peoples computers and take me three days to make. like ellen
if you havent already, check her blog out
she updates awesome posts daily
i am for sure going to try and follow suit
blahs i cant wait to finish this post and see everyone elses!! XD
let me start off with stuff thats happened that dont involve photos
ahahahaha skip if you dont like sob stories
so this actually happened back in about november and i meant to make an entry about it but i never did cause i couldnt find the photos i wanted to use but ill just write it now since im here :3
a lot of things happened
like my sister passing away (God bless her)
this is my first experience of losing someone to death
it. well. sucks. lulz
i didnt know i could feel so hurt and angry and sad and guilty
its just not fair. shes was so young! she was only what, 23? she was studying design and was doing well in school like always. and cause of some stupid car accident, all thats gone.
she lived in korea all her life and i hadnt seen her in ten years and i was finally going to see her this year. so much for that. im so mad that the last memories shell have of me are being a bratty little sister. i really wanted to make it up to her and really be a good sister. she always got in trouble because of me ha ha ha
im so mad i never really got to know her
i always felt guilty cause i feel like ive taken her dad away from her
he spends his time and effort on me here in the states when im the worst daughter to him
i remember a couple years ago, i wrote her a letter but i never got a reply
when i asked my dad why she wasnt writing back, he told me that she was angry with me and my dad because we had never gone to any of her graduations. the worst thing is, i never even questioned why we werent there
i have to be the most selfish bitch ever
the worst part of this was that i couldnt be there with her when she passed away or when she was burried or cremated
i didnt know she had died
my dad didnt tell me until two weeks after
i have never been so angry at or resented someone so much before
he was suddenly going to korea for two weeks and when he came back, he and i went to get a new phone for him
he had said something about me being his only daughter so i said "what about jinyoung unni?" and he bluntly told me that she was dead and that was why he had gone to korea.
i understand he was struggling to cope, but still
how does someone do that? how dare he keep that from me!
he said that he didnt tell me then because he didnt want me to go with him because i missed too much school
shittiest excuse ever. my sister is more important than my school attendance
what a depressing way to start a post!
sorry! ill stop here :D ahaha
(haha yes she has the same name as JYP)
you can tell i havent brought takutz jin out a lot cause my photo skills have gotten even worse
sorry for the crap photos
DECEMBER 29th 2009
sooo~~ oh gosh i dont even remember all that happened this day
kat, eva, sandy, janet, and i went skating~!
but cameras werent allowed in the rink so i dont have photos of us skating
but i have bunch of us after we got out!! :D
in the car after skating :D
lulz we just started taking photos inside the car for some reason
ahaha sandy
we just all attacked janet with out cameras like always
attack of cameras
hells yeah. we waited. sandys dark chocolate shake
the color was so light
i forgot and ate my cherry D: strawberry yogurt smoothie
kats chest and double steak burger with nothing inside
sandys cheesey steakburger thing
evas grilled chicken sandwhich thing
my chipotle pepperjack cheese bacon burger thingy
nom nom nom
ahahaha i got all the bad photos of sandy that day
watch the screen..
magically appeared!
ballin? not really
ooh i never showed you how i bedazzled my phone. i worked so hard but theyre falling off T__T
after eating, we went to the movies to watch sherlock holmes.
i fell asleep five minutes into the movie...
sandy isnt in the pictures cause she had to go to religion for a couple hours
making late night meals :D
we love our miso soup
egg fry yay~
lulz janet
lulz sandy woke up before us and took this of me..
and these of janet ahahaha
alrighties! i got one day down~ lot more to go!
its 4:03 AM right now so ima get 2 hours of sleep and get back to working on this after school and rehearsal!!
im in schools now ahahaha
i should be working on a research paper but i REALLY want to finish this post!!
so heres i am!
so the school computers are SUUUPER SLOW so ill just have to finish this at home T___T
alrighties! i ams home~~ no rehearsal today so im home early! now to get on with the show~~~
cardigan and i split up on eve and i party till the next day. lulz!
gorilla, uboat, and i went to see the new sun!
JANUARY 7th~9th 2010
so during these three days, the thespians of my school went to the illinois state university for theatre fest!
three days full of shows and workshops! :D
*stolen from facebook*
on the bus picking which workshops or shows i want to go to
our super 8 room
it was super small
the bed i never slept in ahaha
*taken by jane kim*
*taken by jane kim?*
our tiny bathroom
heylo theres~
lulz gabe
trouble getting into their room
*taken by jane kim*
*taken by jane kim*
*taken by jane kim*
jumpin on the beds. lulz
fiona getting eaten by her hair
*taken by jane kim*
lulz jane is still shorter than sean and aleks even though shes standing on the bed
we have way too much fun with nothing
lulz my hair
*taken by jane kim*
mm... a little awkward shot
*taken by jane kim*
super cute
*taken by jane kim*
*taken by jane kim*
lulz oh karla
*taken by jane kim*
ima miss her~~ she moved to costa rica T__T
exploring another room
see something that doesnt fit?
lulz gabe
lulz shes so tiny
rushed photo of janes chest, pot pie, salad, and biscuits :D
*taken by jane kim*
rushed shot of fischs burrito
fionas french toast sausage, home fries, and scrambled eggs
my meat lovers burrito
the big "O" ahahaha
so after food we went to see the opening performance by seth rudetsky
hes a pretty big name in broadway
he is hilarious! amaaaaahzing!
so the next day, i officially started off theatre fest with a production of sweeney todd
sweeney is one of my all time fave musicals. they absolutely ruined it T___T
toby was six feet tall. todd was this one dimensional, indifferent guy who happens to murder people. there were two ensemble members that stole the show though. props to them
i regret not going to many workshops cause i went to shows instead. i was super excited to watch "the sparrow" that night. i wanted to see what the other school did with it and how differently they did it from ours. THEY ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED IT. i actually cried because i was so heartbroken. they had murdered one of my favorite plays! it was absolutely terrible. i wanted to walk out so bad. the worst part was that people who didnt know the show loved it. oh goodness i could go on all day but im going to stop. im getting angry again just thinking about it >.<
so~ more workshops and shows: shakespeare: abridged and urinetown. the set for urinetown was AMAAAHZING!!
oh and there was a dance! i got to see guys juke on each other! XD i didnt get to see any make out though ahahaha
then we were on the way home~
stopped by culvers
*taken by david fisch*
i lived in that hat for those three days XD
*taken by david fisch*
finals finals finals
im so mad. my highschool gpa has been ruined
ive been a bad student but i wanted to graduate with at least a 3.0 gpa so i spent the last week working super hard studying and raising my grades. it would have worked BUT! i had checked my grades and i had gotten two Fs. in a work study class that i had dropped months ago. my teacher had been too lazy to fully do the paperwork and actually drop me. he had continued to give me zeros and a zero on the final! it turns out that i was only dropping it for the second semester but i had stopped going when i had permission from my counselor and the teacher to drop the class. i didnt know there was paperwork because i had dropped a class last year and nothing about paperwork came up. funny thing is, this teacher who i see in the hallways almost everyday never said a word about it or asked me why i wasnt in class. he would greet me but that was it! i was never called down about attendance in that class either! no one had told me! and now im stuck with two Fs that cant be changed. son of a bitch
the last day of finals and our second and probably last korean club mt!
i dont remember why but i went late

blurry, i know but i like this photo cause it looks like theres a dance party going on


i dont know what crack i was smoking that day. i could not take a decent photo the whole night

ahahaha young gyoon




*taken by jee eun unni*

*taken by jee eun unni*

*taken by jee eun unni*

*taken by jee eun unni*

*taken by jee eun unni*

*taken by ???*
this is jee eun unni. shes my schools ulzzang

*taken by ???*

*taken by ???*

*taken by ???*

*taken by seunghwan*

*taken by seunghwan*

*taken by seunghwan*

*taken by seunghwan*

*taken by seunghwan*

*taken by seunghwan*
thanks to jee eun unnis pretty face, she has cleansed my blog of ugly from my photos~!

*taken by ???*
game time!!

*taken by ???*
lulz what am i doing??

*taken by ???*
lulz i dont know

*taken by ???*

*taken by ???*

*taken by ???*
did the devil appear?

*taken by ???*

*taken by min suk*

*taken by min suk?*

*taken by jee eun unni*
her bruise. lulz

ahaha eric



lulz why am i such a creeper??someone had fun with takutz jin

*taken by jee eun unni*
janets last game before she left. her parents dont let her sleep over anywhere :(

addicted<3the next morningooh we made our own kim bap for breakfast in the morning! no photos cause i was busy making and eating! :D

evil eye

group photo!
have you noticed? EVERY group photo, min suk (white shirt on left corner) is always in that spot in the same position?? youll notice it this post if you havent.
the last day of finals and our second and probably last korean club mt!
i dont remember why but i went late
blurry, i know but i like this photo cause it looks like theres a dance party going on
i dont know what crack i was smoking that day. i could not take a decent photo the whole night
ahahaha young gyoon
*taken by jee eun unni*
*taken by jee eun unni*
*taken by jee eun unni*
*taken by jee eun unni*
*taken by jee eun unni*
*taken by ???*
this is jee eun unni. shes my schools ulzzang
*taken by ???*
*taken by ???*
*taken by ???*
*taken by seunghwan*
*taken by seunghwan*
*taken by seunghwan*
*taken by seunghwan*
*taken by seunghwan*
*taken by seunghwan*
thanks to jee eun unnis pretty face, she has cleansed my blog of ugly from my photos~!
*taken by ???*
game time!!
*taken by ???*
lulz what am i doing??
*taken by ???*
lulz i dont know
*taken by ???*
*taken by ???*
*taken by ???*
did the devil appear?
*taken by ???*
*taken by min suk*
*taken by min suk?*
*taken by jee eun unni*
her bruise. lulz
ahaha eric
lulz why am i such a creeper??someone had fun with takutz jin
*taken by jee eun unni*
janets last game before she left. her parents dont let her sleep over anywhere :(
addicted<3the next morningooh we made our own kim bap for breakfast in the morning! no photos cause i was busy making and eating! :D
evil eye
group photo!
have you noticed? EVERY group photo, min suk (white shirt on left corner) is always in that spot in the same position?? youll notice it this post if you havent.

i already reviewed these in my christmas post but i never put up one of just the eye closeup
oh and by the way, these are the BEAUCON SHIMMER BROWNS, not vibrant. i mixed those up last time. sorry

i like my eyes in this photo. they look chinky but really wide!BEAUCON JEWEL PINK

color/design: 1/10 people really like these but i HATE them. they are so unnatural and look like fish eyes cause of the really solid and thick rings. i really cant pull these off but there are a lot of people who do so dont get discouraged by my photos ><
comfort: 9/10 they are HUGE and pretty thick so make sure you dont wear them for real long
enlargement: 10/10 14.7 diameter man
im sorry i look so scarily white in these photos. there was a lot of sun reflecting off snow coming through the window. these lenses dont help either;;;
i already reviewed these in my christmas post but i never put up one of just the eye closeup
oh and by the way, these are the BEAUCON SHIMMER BROWNS, not vibrant. i mixed those up last time. sorry
i like my eyes in this photo. they look chinky but really wide!BEAUCON JEWEL PINK
color/design: 1/10 people really like these but i HATE them. they are so unnatural and look like fish eyes cause of the really solid and thick rings. i really cant pull these off but there are a lot of people who do so dont get discouraged by my photos ><
comfort: 9/10 they are HUGE and pretty thick so make sure you dont wear them for real long
enlargement: 10/10 14.7 diameter man
im sorry i look so scarily white in these photos. there was a lot of sun reflecting off snow coming through the window. these lenses dont help either;;;
color/design: 9/10 these are really pretty and notice-able but not as vibrant as the bt02s in my opinion
comfort: 10/10 the vibrant, shimmer, and natural series are almost as thin as regular contacts so theyre really comfy
enlargement: 7/10 if you have irises as small as mine, all lenses enlarge
we went to liquid fusion for hot drinks and bubble tea and then...noraebang after!!!!
no photos of liquid though. i forgot. again;;

lulz janet looks like such a bitch here. unfortunately, its her default face. ahahahha

why so serious?

my hairs grown a lot!
aww no photos of sandy from that night D:
we went to liquid fusion for hot drinks and bubble tea and then...noraebang after!!!!
no photos of liquid though. i forgot. again;;
lulz janet looks like such a bitch here. unfortunately, its her default face. ahahahha
why so serious?
my hairs grown a lot!
aww no photos of sandy from that night D:
hochul ajushis best friend had come from korea to visit the states for a couple days
he wanted to show him to nice places in chicago with his girlfriend, so he asked me to be his friends partner
we were supposed to go to eat in the hancock lounge for the view and dinner but it was literally blizzarding so we went to another really nice restaurant in the water tower
the atmosphere was really nice. it was my first fancy schmancy restaurant experience! i had my first ever cocktail! XD

hochul ajushi and his girlfriend lily unni enjoying dessert.

im so sorry! i forgot his name T___T
ajushi wanted to take "sophisticated" photos in a fancy place so..

with the laydies!


fail again..

were laughing at ajushis terrible photo skills

why am i so damn happy???


the flash was a bit harsh
hochul ajushis best friend had come from korea to visit the states for a couple days
he wanted to show him to nice places in chicago with his girlfriend, so he asked me to be his friends partner
we were supposed to go to eat in the hancock lounge for the view and dinner but it was literally blizzarding so we went to another really nice restaurant in the water tower
the atmosphere was really nice. it was my first fancy schmancy restaurant experience! i had my first ever cocktail! XD
hochul ajushi and his girlfriend lily unni enjoying dessert.
im so sorry! i forgot his name T___T
ajushi wanted to take "sophisticated" photos in a fancy place so..
with the laydies!
fail again..
were laughing at ajushis terrible photo skills
why am i so damn happy???
the flash was a bit harsh
ahahaha DONE!!
we went to noraebang after :D
i went home at like 4:30 AM on a school night. thats how i roll~~
i finally watched twilight. i almost peed my pants the whole howevermanyminutes it was!

thats where i was after rehearsal that night!!!!
it was super fun! kim taewoo is amazing! son hoyoung was also really good but kim taewoo is the man! he just has presence and they both are really funny
the theme was valentines day and a girl from the audience was picked from the audience to go up on the stage and kim taewoo serenaded her!! guess who that girl was~~~~~~~????
not me. ahahaha i was so sad D: it would have been the most perfect birthday present if that had been me! do they pre-pick these things? or was i just sitting too far back? (paid $60 to get seated pretty much in the last row T___T) i still really enjoyed it! i went with gorilla and his friend and his friends girlfriend. korean fobs are so lame XD they just sit and clap their hands or wave their glowsticks but gorilla and i were rocking out! my stockings got holes in them from my jumping all around!!! ahahaha!!

bad photo sorry

gorilla and i were sooo pumped up from the concert! we really wanted to go to a club but i dont have an id..... so we decided to go to noraebang but the other two ditched us for the club -_- so we went to uboats house and played there with justin and junsik who i hadnt seen in forever!!! super fun night! and then rehearsal early the next day T__T oh and there was an after party for the concert the next day but i didnt get to go T_____________T
thats where i was after rehearsal that night!!!!
it was super fun! kim taewoo is amazing! son hoyoung was also really good but kim taewoo is the man! he just has presence and they both are really funny
the theme was valentines day and a girl from the audience was picked from the audience to go up on the stage and kim taewoo serenaded her!! guess who that girl was~~~~~~~????
not me. ahahaha i was so sad D: it would have been the most perfect birthday present if that had been me! do they pre-pick these things? or was i just sitting too far back? (paid $60 to get seated pretty much in the last row T___T) i still really enjoyed it! i went with gorilla and his friend and his friends girlfriend. korean fobs are so lame XD they just sit and clap their hands or wave their glowsticks but gorilla and i were rocking out! my stockings got holes in them from my jumping all around!!! ahahaha!!
bad photo sorry
gorilla and i were sooo pumped up from the concert! we really wanted to go to a club but i dont have an id..... so we decided to go to noraebang but the other two ditched us for the club -_- so we went to uboats house and played there with justin and junsik who i hadnt seen in forever!!! super fun night! and then rehearsal early the next day T__T oh and there was an after party for the concert the next day but i didnt get to go T_____________T
the packed week ended with my birthday :
and because its me, of course we went to NORAEBANG!!
kevin and andrea couldnt make it :(

eva, tina, alice!

jizz in my pants

college peeps had to leave after an hour :( so group photo! props to sandy for taking
we tried to take those funny looking photos from below


fail again

success! but this has to be the most unflattering photo ever! except for tina. what the hell
so after kareoke we went to eat at a chicken and pizza place called love letter!
we stopped by jewel osco for my cake:

*taken by sandy*

that cake is still in my fridge. LUULZ

*taken by sandy*
birthday girl

the ducky at our table
LULZ! that writing under there is jee eun unnis "yjh<3kje" thing!
so after eatings eva went home and sandy and i got picked up by janet. (she missed the day cause of work. she actually switched shifts with sandy so sandy could be there) we three went back to my place for candy :D
it was the same exact thing i did last year! noraebang>loveletter>candy sleepover
the packed week ended with my birthday :
and because its me, of course we went to NORAEBANG!!
kevin and andrea couldnt make it :(
eva, tina, alice!
jizz in my pants
college peeps had to leave after an hour :( so group photo! props to sandy for taking
we tried to take those funny looking photos from below
fail again
success! but this has to be the most unflattering photo ever! except for tina. what the hell
so after kareoke we went to eat at a chicken and pizza place called love letter!
we stopped by jewel osco for my cake:
*taken by sandy*
that cake is still in my fridge. LUULZ
*taken by sandy*
birthday girl
the ducky at our table
LULZ! that writing under there is jee eun unnis "yjh<3kje" thing!
so after eatings eva went home and sandy and i got picked up by janet. (she missed the day cause of work. she actually switched shifts with sandy so sandy could be there) we three went back to my place for candy :D
it was the same exact thing i did last year! noraebang>loveletter>candy sleepover
everyone did an awesome job!
both shows on friday were sold out! people actually really liked it!
so if you dont know what this is, its a classic greek play where pretty much the women of greece stop having sex with their husbands and lovers until they agree to make peace :D
(stolen from facebook)

you cant really see but the costumes were BEAUTIFUL!!!

our old people masks XD

me trying really hard to be a sexy greek woman. epic fail

in between the shows. yes. both plates are mine!!!
everyone did an awesome job!
both shows on friday were sold out! people actually really liked it!
so if you dont know what this is, its a classic greek play where pretty much the women of greece stop having sex with their husbands and lovers until they agree to make peace :D
(stolen from facebook)
you cant really see but the costumes were BEAUTIFUL!!!
our old people masks XD
me trying really hard to be a sexy greek woman. epic fail
in between the shows. yes. both plates are mine!!!
korean club did fan dance, modern dance, and drums :3
i was supposed to be in all three but i had to get out of fan and drums cause of rehearsals for plays :(
getting ready:
seulki and soojin unni
our club sponsor mrs.baek and se eun unni
hannah unni
lovely laydies~ i didnt see se eun unni coming in so i accidentally cut her off!! >< jee eun unni, sandy, stacey, hannah unni
the freshman babies jesicca and ashley
single ladies
gloria, seulki, se eun unni, hannah unni, ji eun, jee eun unni, sandy, stacey
our beautiful fan dancers~<3
lulz sandy cut janets leggings and she cut A LOT so janet tried to cover it before she got onstage
onto the stage~!!
sorry >< the photos are crummy cause i had to stay on the balcony
traditional fan dance
hellenic club
indo/pak club guys dance
i had to go down and get ready so kathy took over taking photos for me
chinese club
lulz charisse
modern girls
can ya find me? XD
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh~ 2NE1!
i looked sooooooooooooo dumb ruining the dance like that >//////<
modern guys
again and again and again and again~ ddi ddi ddi ddi ddi ddi ddi~
lulz seunghwan did a highkick and almost fell off the stage XD
modern everyone (but me. i sprinted my ass back up to the balcony to take the photos)
mystery mystery ha!
french club
filipino club
assyrian club
traditional drums
not much of an audience but they were loving it :D
i like this. its dynamic XD
why did no one look at my camera!? D:
i-night crew! woot!
fischy: ey babe~
fiona: ....korean club senior dinnerwe went to our village. its a korean bbq place but we were too poor for meat XD

pretty, no?

we went to liquid afters and talked XD
fischy: ey babe~
fiona: ....korean club senior dinnerwe went to our village. its a korean bbq place but we were too poor for meat XD
pretty, no?
we went to liquid afters and talked XD
it was a no school day so we went skating with korean club~~~
gather for group photo!
see!! again!! min suk!
ahaha sandy and.. XD
lulz i dont know
thats super fun
eating at jang choong dong afterwards~
how did i not take any photos of the food?!?!
we had to walk and take the bus home even though sandy and i were exhausted from the whole week T___T
the boys had a snow fight while we waited for the bus inside the mall
awwww~~ he looks so happy!
danke janet for leaning over and taking this photo :D
i had a play date with someone i wanted to see for the longest time!! XD
hopped on the train to downtown
ran into my schools poetry slam team!

they were on their way to columbia college for a slam!
i met the special person at union station and we stayed there for an hour doing nothing lulz!
we decided to finally move to go eat. but the place i wanted to eat at was closed T___T
so i just got some cookies and we decided to go watch the slam...that never happened cause i got us lost cause we took the wrong frikkin bus;;;; we were going the opposite way
so we just decided to do what we planned to do
skate outdoors for the first time at millenium park!
so this special person asked a man who was standing in the same bus stop and we went the right way!
it was damn cold so we warmed up in a dunkin donuts for a bit. after warm drinks we went but..the rink was being cleaned so we had to wait 35? 45? minutes. so we decided to walk around.
i got to see THE BEAN for the first time!!! XD

i did the tourist thing XD

i was starving so we went off to look for the bennigans that was near. again, we went the opposite way
so we came back, and skated first
it was super fun
i only fell 92840234 times
the special person and i had a good little talk too
after skating, we finally got to eat<333
i totally forgot to take a picture of it cause i dove into it right away

what was left of my chicken stacked with shrimp thingy
train ride home with the special person and that was that day and the end of this post!
thank you lovelies for being so patient and waiting for me.
im sorry for the crap photos but i hope the number makes up~ :D
im going to now leave you with my favorite photo like always~

crummy but i still like XD
i had a play date with someone i wanted to see for the longest time!! XD
hopped on the train to downtown
ran into my schools poetry slam team!
they were on their way to columbia college for a slam!
i met the special person at union station and we stayed there for an hour doing nothing lulz!
we decided to finally move to go eat. but the place i wanted to eat at was closed T___T
so i just got some cookies and we decided to go watch the slam...that never happened cause i got us lost cause we took the wrong frikkin bus;;;; we were going the opposite way
so we just decided to do what we planned to do
skate outdoors for the first time at millenium park!
so this special person asked a man who was standing in the same bus stop and we went the right way!
it was damn cold so we warmed up in a dunkin donuts for a bit. after warm drinks we went but..the rink was being cleaned so we had to wait 35? 45? minutes. so we decided to walk around.
i got to see THE BEAN for the first time!!! XD
i did the tourist thing XD
i was starving so we went off to look for the bennigans that was near. again, we went the opposite way
so we came back, and skated first
it was super fun
i only fell 92840234 times
the special person and i had a good little talk too
after skating, we finally got to eat<333
i totally forgot to take a picture of it cause i dove into it right away
what was left of my chicken stacked with shrimp thingy
train ride home with the special person and that was that day and the end of this post!
thank you lovelies for being so patient and waiting for me.
im sorry for the crap photos but i hope the number makes up~ :D
im going to now leave you with my favorite photo like always~
crummy but i still like XD
왜 이사진만 보면 기분 막 좋아질까?