I've been feeling pretty blue the last few months, especially this month, so I''ve been watching stuff non stop.
I've even started watching Korean dramas again! I finished all fifty two episodes of Hello, Franceska in record time.
Pretty cute. I cried a few more times than I expected.
I also finished All In. It was so good and then the end was the most anticlimactic thing ever.
Song Hye Kyo is seriously the most perfect looking woman ever. How is it fair to be born absolutely flawless?!
Monday the 1st
Been seeing a lot of pictures of the sky on facebook and instagram. Totally get why. The best part of summer ending is how beautiful the skies are.
They looked like paintings on the way to the gym.
Dat glow. The actual sun set must have been amazing.
Thursday the 4th
I got bacon in the mail that morning.
Apparently, it was a good day to look twelve.
Had some stuff to do in the city.
I love how you can see the skyline from so many different parts of Chicago.
Friday the 5th
Met with Aleks for the first time for some cast bonding over Mediterranean.
Sho kayoot.
A PSA brought to you by yours truly.
This cereal is yummy. The chocolate chunks are whatever but the chocolate corn flakes are goooood.
Sunday the 7th
Left the house for a little bit to catch the closing performance of Delirium that some former school mates were in.
There were some strong performances, some weak ones, and overall poor writing. There were a few times where I had to roll my eyes from the glaring lack of research or gratuitous moments. It was also three hours long. Unless it's a classic play or Tolkien, I don't think any show should be three hours. I was so thankful the main character was the strongest actor.
Friday the 12th
Met up with Aleks again for more bonding. We're supposed to be best friends in the project we're working on. Oh yeah, method acting. :P
Hadn't had Pauly's Pizza in a few years.
I got home and discovered the fun of FaceQ.
Me before and after makeup. I think it's pretty accurate.
Then I made my mom.
And then Sandy.
Saturday the 13th
I woke up the earliest I've ever woken up since being in school months ago because it was Riot Fest day!
But first, breakfast!
Ahahaha Kevin. And Zach. And my mimosa.
We had so much potatoes.
Probably the best tots I've ever had. I really liked their seasoning. I can't stand unseasoned potatoes.
First time trying poutine.
My benedict. I wanted fruit but they were out. So I got more potatoes.
Eva's omelette.
Zach and Kevin's food.
Jelly's french toast.
A surprised looking Juan, Tina, and their food.
Luckily, Jelly and Juan live a fifteen minute walk away from Humboldt Park, so we could leave the cars in front of her apartment.
Pretty flowers in front of her apartment that match her car.
LMAO. Kevin made fun of me taking a picture of the flowers and I got the ugliest picture of him.
Cool kids walking all cool-ly in front.
Doesn't Tina's hair look like an expensive ombre job?!
It was my first time at Humboldt Park, and wow, it's huge.
Caught the last few songs from Tokyo Police Club.
We found Luke and a couple of Jelly's friends. Only one of them got in the picture. Woops.
LULZ I look like that thing from creepy pasta.
City and Colour.
I was so tired that I was falling asleep standing up to their super chill music.
Die Antwoord!
It was my third time seeing them and they weren't as energetic as they usually were. Still fun though.
First time seeing/hearing Say Anything.
They were really fun. Very Californian.
Wu Tang!
Waiting for The Flaming Lips for like forty five minutes.
Got bored so I made Eva and Tina too.
The sky turned pretty while waiting.

It was the most epic opening. I love confetti showers. People were going crazy! And then the power cut out.... The crew fixed things pretty fast, and we got to have a second shower of confetti! So magical!
Wayne Coyne came out in one of those human balloon balls and rolled onto the crowd. So clever!
I was so close to getting a touch, and then in the last second, I got pushed away. Lulz I really thought I was gonna get it too.
Good message to leave with.
They came back to do a couple more songs because one of the headliners were late. Better for me!
Their cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was pretty darn awesome.
Beautiful song. One of their more popular ones. One of my favorites.
For when yer feeling down.
Another chill fave.
I had a great time bobbing around to them. They're like a happy virus. I even teared up.
Is it a little bit too obvious who my favorite of the night was?
Eva and I watched the National instead of Taking Back Sunday to end the night.
My horrible picture of them.
I think they should have switched times with The Flaming Lips cause their style is more sad but they're more well known so.
We had tacos at the place we went to last time and I introduced Eva to the magic of 7 Eleven's hot chocolate before going home.
It was an exhausting but good day!