It's already July tomorrow. I've spent the entire month of June (minus the one week I was away from home) on my couch trying to catch up on my Korean shows. I've been over two years behind on 1 Night 2 Days, Star King, Strong Heart, and We Got Married and how I'm a year and a half behind. I wake up, watch, eat while watching, watch, sleep, and repeat. For a month. Is that gross? (I'm watching an episode of 1 Night 2 Days as I write this so forgive me if I don't make sense. I'm kind of distracted.) I love it though... It's so bad because it's distracting me Ha ha ha ha... T___T I've totally forgotten about finding new jobs and blogging;;; My English is getting bad too...
But then I recently got an email from a long time reader which hasn't happened in a very long time. It's an awesome and strange feeling because it's great to see that someone is interested in my blog but my blog's content is repetitive and dumb. Ha ha ha ha! So I also feel bad that I've been neglecting it too...
Ahh looks like June posts will carry on over to July. >_<
So that's what I've been up to. Just wanted to check in and have at least one post in June even if it is a pointless one. Guhhh must get out of this lazy lump!