
The last two months of 2019

Ah the end of a really good year for me. I'll finally be writing about the current year next month! Even though it'll be very short lived, I'm so happy I'll be caught up again. Really gonna try not to get so behind ever again. I promise myself right now! But let me not get ahead of myself and finish writing about 2019~

Saturday the 2nd
Steep was having their Fearless Ball
Destini looking FOINE in her amazing dress. 

Always gotta grab one of everything

Some of Fox Fam

Taking full advantage of the photobooth
I really hope I get to go to more of these kinds of things in the future (ノ*゜▽゜*)

Monday the 4th
The people need to know

I finally got to see a Missy! Lucy and Isa were there too!

Thursday the 7th
Jordan and I had to record something for Marcus.
He left gifts for me while I was out of the room.

Thursday the 14th
A private cast and crew screening for Sun King!
Angelica, Georgeanne, and her friend came to watch so naturally, we grabbed dinner afterwards.

Friday the 15th
Magdalene night. 
Awesome pre show dinner at Income Tax. I guess I was too distracted to remember taking any food photos.

It's cool writing about it now on the 1 year anniversary of the show's conception. Magdalene is everything. FKA Twigs is EVERYTHING!! I love watching her progression as an artist and I don't know how she's going to top this but I'm excited for that day. Her shows are always the best. I was so shook when she started the two things I've been wanting to learn so bad for so long. What I would give to be her for a day oh my god ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃
Her and her team are pure excellence. Bless all the artists who made this show.

Post show groceries.

Saturday the 16th
Dinner with Destini at Aroma.
Can't remember if it was before seeing a show at Steep. Do know that we had fun.

Sunday the 17th
Went to see Night Moves at Sleeping Village with Ed
They were great of course.

Monday the 18th
Becca hosted and cooked for me and her friends(‐^▽^‐)

Friday the 22nd
Tried to capture nail selfies
Snow app saving me as usual

Monday the 25th
Uncle Gordon, Elly, and I witnessed Carina having her first duck!
Absolutely wearing the same outfit.
I love her!

Curtis gave me his extra ticket to see Hoodoo Love
For the Fox Fam group chat

Wednesday the 27th
Becca's friend's dad is Cher's tour manager, so she took me to see her show! (ノ*0*)ノ

We found our seats and they were crazy.

White woman in a full on Native American costume....

Just admiring her as she catches up

Listening to the drunk woman be extremely protective of the unicorns she had just met

These cocktails were surprisingly SO good! Especially the red one.

I was hungry... but then ended up throwing most of it away cause Cher started lol

How amazing is she!? It was a lot of fun

So much thanks to Becca for the experience. Never in my life did I think I'd see Cher!

Saturday the 30th
Kamau and Moon were openers for BJ the Chicago Kid's tour so I went with Destini to see!
I... got lost in Lower Wacker...so we got their by the time they were on their last song... I'm a bad friend...;;; (ó﹏ò。) 

Seen lots of cool shows thanks to Moon as well.

Noticed the holiday colors on the way back to the car.

Monday the 2nd
Finished shooting Marcus' project
I'm thankful yet feel bad that he trusted me with this....I'll make it up to you one day! >__<

Saturday the 7th
New nails

Satisfied a craving before heading to Steep

Thursday the 26th
Tina was visiting so we went to a VR cafe

The bathroom was a delightful surprise
Can't see the cherry wallpaper in the first one so...

There were two bathrooms so I had to check if the other one was themed too.
It was! Love fun bathrooms.

Friday the 27th
I was picking up food on the way home when:
My heart still hurts a year later. ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚

Consoled myself with a dream come true. GIANT SLAB OF SNICKERS. I love just taking huge bites out it. ໒( ˵ ° ۝ ° ˵ )७

And that's a wrap on 2019! Truly one of the best years of my life. I'm glad I'm at a place where I keep thinking to myself "I'm glad I didn't end my life as a teenager" every time I finish a post.  \ \ \ೕ( ・ㅂ・)و / / /


  1. seemed like you had a great year! and hope you will be too next year, I love Snow app too btw!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a pleasant holiday and new year~

